The S-Curve

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The name of the blog, the S-Curve, is a reflection of our logo and the central feature of our prepayment model. S-curves are seen in nature in many phenomenon, from population growth to prepayment and default models. Our first S-curve, in the early 1990s, used the arctangent function, then piece-wise linear functions, and evolved over time to be more complex and vary by FICO, loan size and LTV. This evolution encapsulates both the timeless nature of fundamental relationships and constant innovation to describe them better over time.

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  • Now Available: AD&Co’s Quantitative Perspectives

    Eknath Belbase


    We’re excited to announce our latest Quantitative Perspectives providing in-depth insights into current market trends and advanced valuation techniques. This publication offers valuable information for mortgage market participants and those involved in credit risk transfer transactions.

    Climate-Conditioned LoanDynamics Model (ccLDM) 

    Eknath Belbase introduces the integration of climate risk into our analytical framework. Building on previous work, he explores how our LoanDynamics Model (LDM) has evolved to account for climate-related factors, adjusting prepayment and default probabilities. Climate-conditioned versions of LDM and House Price Appreciation (HPA) model are now integrated into our LoanKinetics (LK) tool and OAS subroutine, available for use. This paper focuses on the advancements in our prepayment, default, and severity models to better capture climate risk. Click below to read the full paper.


    This paper will be a valuable resource for your work. A login is required for access. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the content in more detail, please contact

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