The S-Curve

U.S. Mortgage High Yield Indexes From Andrew Davidson & Co Added to St. Louis Fed's FRED Database

Richard Cooperstein

For several years, AD&Co has tracked the total rate of return (TRR) performance of the GSE CAS and STACR CRT in its U.S. Mortgage High-Yield Indices. The AD&Co Mid-Tier index constitutes a broad market measure of the TRR performance of GSE CRT. The related sub-indices segregate the CRT market into 4 index Tiers by attachment point, reflective of the credit exposure of the various classes of underlying CRT ranging from B to M1.

We are pleased to announce that the historical time series for these indices is now publicly available on the St. Louis Federal Reserve's FRED database, along with the credit-adjusted OAS (CrOAS) for each series. FRED is host to almost 800,000 data series from more than 100 sources. The indices published on FRED can be viewed here. Detailed performance analysis related to the index is available on a monthly basis at through AD&Co.

For more information please contact Rob Landauer at 212-274-9075, email Rob at or visit 

FRED graph

Disclaimer: The AD&Co U.S. Mortgage High-Yield Index serves as an informational index and is not for commercial-use purposes. The Index’s accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and suitability for any purpose are not guaranteed. The Index does not constitute (1) investment, legal, accounting, tax, or other professional advice or (2) any recommendation or solicitation to purchase, hold, sell, or otherwise deal in any investment. This Index has been prepared for general informational purposes, without consideration of the circumstances or objectives of any particular investor. Any reliance on the Index is at the reader’s sole risk. All investment is subject to numerous risks, known and unknown. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For investment advice, seek a qualified investment professional. Not for redistribution without permission. Note: An affiliate of Andrew Davidson & Co., Inc. engages in trading activities in investments that may be the same or similar to those featured in the Index.