
Joni Baker to Speak and Richard Cooperstein to Moderate at IMN’s 10th Annual Residential Mortgage Servicing Rights Forum | November 21 - 22

New York, NY

AD&Co is proud to be a bronze sponsor of the RMSR Forum, November 21 – 22 at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge.

Joni Baker will be speaking on the "Using Leveraging Trended Data to Enhance Your MSR Portfolio’s Mortgage Prepayment & Credit Modeling" panel moderated by Richard Cooperstein on Thursday, November 21 at 2:10 PM ET. 

Stop by our booth for a chance to meet Joni, Richard, Kevin Lin (business development), Rob Landauer (Alliances & Policies) and Sanj Chatterjee (behavioral modeling).

Click here for more details.